I write you these notes hoping to resolve two personal troubles:
My own workaholism
My dissatisfaction with culture’s depiction and approach to work, which I’d sum up as “work-worship.”
As I don’t have answers, we’ll figure this out together—I’ll share my notes, and you share yours.
My only “creds”:
I work in a notoriously invasive, workaholic industry, driven by client-service (possibly the worst incentives for any healthy boundaries). Until I finally break out, I shall continue taking daily swims in the densest waters of work-worship, to boot pretending that I love it. Dispatches from that life could be of value to you, and a way to keep me sane.
A filmmaker in my personal time, I’ve been developing a web show that touches upon many aspects of our work culture, so for years I’ve been regularly reading and thinking about it. Broadly, I hope to focus my creative energies toward countering all the work-worship assumptions that our media (including films and shows I love) incessantly beat into us.
These notes will initially focus on questions and theories before hopefully graduating into insights and, dare I dream, even practical suggestions for creating a less work-centered culture.
Thank you, and enjoy!