I experienced many of these negative side effects (poor health, loss of status, depression, etc.) after I got out of the military. It took me years to readjust my image of myself to my new reality.
After a long career or relationship we get so used to seeing ourselves in that context that we can't imagine life in any other frame. It takes conscious effort to discover that new point-of -view.
Thanks so much for sharing this experience. The closest thing I have to this experience is the year or so after graduating college, where I felt very aimless and kind of just "floating" without all the academic structure I had been used to for my whole childhood. It's definitely a process to see yourself in a new light.
I experienced many of these negative side effects (poor health, loss of status, depression, etc.) after I got out of the military. It took me years to readjust my image of myself to my new reality.
After a long career or relationship we get so used to seeing ourselves in that context that we can't imagine life in any other frame. It takes conscious effort to discover that new point-of -view.
Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks so much for sharing this experience. The closest thing I have to this experience is the year or so after graduating college, where I felt very aimless and kind of just "floating" without all the academic structure I had been used to for my whole childhood. It's definitely a process to see yourself in a new light.